When you visit the S.T.R.B.R.Y store, please keep in mind that you are visiting a 'distributor's store'. We have a "strict" and "safe door-policy" so that you can shop in peace and receive all the attention you need.
Our 'golden rule' is to take all the time for clients who are in need of assistance. Due to this factor we must limit the time we spend on general conversations.
Arriving at the store:
When you arrive, please walk up to the counter and ask our collegues to help you.The store is divided into a 'visitor area' and a 'customer area'.If you wish to enter the customer area and shop independently on your own (without assistance) then you must register at the counter. Registration can be arranged free of charge at the counter within a few minutes. Our colleagues can help you from the visitors area as well if you do not want to register.
Registration is FREE and comes with many advantages!
- Receive an additional 10% on all products.
- Receive an additional 10% discount on the website
- Receive free 'goodies' and 'samples' when purchasing certain products.
- Get free drinks and treats at special events
- You may rate the staff member who assisted you imidiately after you purchase!
- You may ask our specialsts any questions in regards to your purchase by app.
- Show your card upon entry and walk straight through to the custommer area.
- No waiting lines, you may proceed to the customer area.
- You will be the first to get informed about our weekly 'new arrivals'
- Receive invitations to our mega sales of 50 to 70% (behind closed doors only)
- You can open a wholesale account as well as a consumer account.
In a hurry or don't want to register?
If you are in a hurry or dont want to register? No problemo!
Our staff wil be more than happy to asssist you from behind the lines. Clients who are registered may enter the custommer area independently, clients who are not registerd can ask our staff for assistance.
Important rules inside:
-If you are registered you may bring 1 visitor with you into the costummer area (if this person has the intention to buy a product as well).
-If you are registered and want to visit with several friends who are not registererd , maximum 2 people may wait in the waiting area for you and cannot enter with you.
If you are a couple you may bring your wife or husband.
-A maximum of 2 individuals may enter the store together. If you are with a group of
4, 2 out of 4 individuals can wait in our waiting area.
-You must leave large bags in the bag area and may not enter the store with large bags.
-It is striclty forbidden to make any video footage or pictures inside or into the store.
-Children under 16 are not allowed in the store but can wait under superision in the waiting area. Ths is only possible if the infant can wait quitly.
-Wearing hoodies or covering the face is not allowed in our store.
-Food and drinks are not allowed in the store unless provided by us during special events.
-Dogs (and all other animals) are unfortunaltey also not allowed in the store due to Dutch health regulations but may wait outside the store (only if the dog is not agressive or causes disturbance)
-If you are visiting us with a wheelchair please ask our staff to assist you
-If you are visiting us with a childwagon please ask our staff to asssist you
-Loud behavior, an unhiganic or suspicious impression, rude behavior to male or female staff, suspissions of fault intentions or any other risk to the staff will result in a permanant ban from the store ( as well as parnter stores)